Postal Keys at JGU

This website contains information on postal keys at JGU.

A postal key is a four-digit code assigned by the Ministry of Finance (Landesamt für Finanzen, LfF) used for sending state employees their pay slips. JGU’s postal keys always begin with a “9.”

Pay Slips

The postal key of an organizational unit is always the first four-digit number in the address box of a pay slip below the return address (marked in red here).

Example of a pay slip from LfF


JGU directory

The postal key is assigned to the organizational unit/cost center (Struktureinheit/Kostenstelle, SE/KST) and is displayed in the JGU Directory to users who are logged in (marked in red here).

MACH report

The postal key MACH report contains the postal keys for all organizational units and addresses and is updated on a daily basis. You can find the report here: (in German)

Reporting incorrect postal keys of employees

Please report the employees’ incorrect postal key along with the correct one to the HR Department via

HR will report the correct postal key to the Ministry of Finance and document and follow up on the process.

The correct postal key can be found via the relevant cost center (see JGU Directory) in the “Postschlüssel” (postal key) MACH report. You can find the report here: (in German)

Changing an organizational unit’s postal key

If an organizational unit’s postal key changes, please report the new key and the relevant organizational unit/cost center to the Data Center (ZDV) by contacting The Data Center will inform HR of the change. HR will check which employees are affected by the postal key change and report the employees and the postal keys to be changed to the Ministry of Finance. HR will also document and follow up on the process.

Postal keys for a new cost center

If a new cost center is created, it requires a postal key. For the new cost center, choose the postal key of the higher-level organizational unit. You can find it in the postal key MACH report and the JGU Directory. Please also inform the organizational unit’s mailroom that the new cost center will have the same postal key. This way the payslips may be forwarded internally.

If you have questions, please contact

Applying for a new postal key

For organizational units with a large number of employees or subunits, it may be advisable to apply for new postal keys from the Ministry of Finance for new units. This also applies to new units that do not belong to any higher-level organizational unit.

To do so, please contact Internal Auditing and Organizational Development at

Your organizational unit receives pay slips for unfamiliar employees

If the postal key correlates to that of your organizational unit, please check the JGU Directory to see if the person is listed as part of your organizational unit. If they are, ask your organizational unit’s HR for verification.
If the person is not listed as part of your organizational unit, please send the payslip to HR with a note that the postal key is incorrect and requires updating.
If the postal key does not match that of your organizational unit, please return the payslip via internal mail with an indication that there has been a mistake

Pay slips for unfamiliar employees


Pay slips sent to employees’ home address?

Please check whether the correct postal key is on the payslip. If it is not, contact HR using the following email address: Request correction of the postal key. Include the incorrect and the correct postal key. If the postal key is correct, please contact your mailroom.

Please note: The pay slips are sent via internal mail to reduce costs and ensure efficiency. This should remain the default.

Pay slips sent to employee's home address


The address of your organizational unit is incorrect or has changed

Please enter the new address in the JGU Directory. The administrator responsible for the personnel directory can make this change. The address will be synchronized in the MACH program.
Additionally, inform the central mailroom of the new address by sending an email to

Organizational unit address change